Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

Pahit Getir Nyari Kerja....Part 2

Awal Januari 2010 gw diterima di PT DI (Dirgantara Indonesia) seneng banget rasanya setelah  hampir setaun setengah nyari kerja ga dapet dapet, waktu itu tesnya PT DI cuman 2 tahap (Psikotes sama Wawancara) dan gw disini sebagai Legal Staff. hari pertama kerja deg degan dan bingung harus ngapain tapi lama-lama ngerti dan orang-orangnya juga ramah-ramah, kerja disini menyenangkan kawan !

bersama rekan di PT DI

gw kerja disini sekitar 4,5 bulan dan gw resign karena satu dan lain hal (pertimbangan utama gw adalah tesis yang ga kelar-kelar disamping ada hal lain yg ngebuat gw resign)....rada nyesel juga si begitu keluar yang konsekuensinya adalah harus nyari kerja lagi, berjubel jubel di job fair lagi
setelah keluar kerja gw fokus ngerjain tesis, dan bulan agustus 2010 resmi menyandang gelar Magister Management, begitu lulus langsung bener2 fokus nyari kerja lagi, tapi kali ini aneh, justru dengan bertambahnya gelar semakin berkurang panggilan kerja gw, ternyata concern utama dari perusahaan lebih ke nyari fresh graduate daripada S-2 tanpa pengalaman kerja, cape deeeh...
tapi allah masi berbaikn hati sama gw tepat februari 2010 gw keterima di Medco Agro (perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit), senang bukan main perasaan gw waktu itu, bayangin aja keterima di perusahaan terkenal dan masuknya lewat jalur MT (manegement trainee) lagi dimana orang2 berebut ngedapetinnya...singkat kata singkat cerita training dimulai, training terdiri dari latihan militer (susbintal)seminggu, classroom 4 bulan dan OJT sisanya. seminggu latihan militer di Puncak ga ngebuat gw patah semangat walaupun banyak sisksaan dan tempaan dari bapak TNI dan ga sabar untuk cepet beres. setelah seminggu beres kami semua terbang ke kalimantan tengah tepatnya kota pangkalan bun dan dari kota ini harus menempuh 4 jam perjalanan lagi sampai akhir jalan aspal dan harus masuk ke hutan sawit sejauh 40 Km dari ujung jalan raya, bener2 Remote area....BUSEEET adalah kata2 yang ada di benak gw ketika pertama kali melihat tempatnya, sebagai gambaran disana hanya ada 1 warung yang menjual segala keperluan kami dan harganya 2 kali lipat dari harga di kota dikarenakan barang harus diambil ke kota, kami tinggal di bangunan semi permanen, dan seinget gw sewaktu tanda tangan kontrak HR nya bilang kalo disana ada fasilitas olahraga seperti lapangan bola, lapangan basket, voli dan lain2...which is ada banyak lapangan yang bisa dipake buat olahraga, dan kenyataanya hanya ada satu lapangan kosong besar yang silahkan mau dipake apapun boleh, dan yang paling parah adalah NO ATM machine kami hanya diajak ke kota setiap 3 bulan sekali untuk ngambil uang (WTFFFFF)...

Awalnya gw berusaha untuk betah dan menerima apa adanya, tapi lama kelamaan gw bener-bener ga kuat banget karena hidup gw kaya di penjara dan ga bisa kemana mana...
setelah cuman 2 minggu gw resign dari Medco dan mengecewakan semua orang yang sudah men suport gw...
lagi lagi nganggur...kaya De Javu sampe ke rumah dengan tatapan bengong ngeliatin langit-langit...masa kaya gini lagi, penyesalan tingkat dewa, memang menyesal itu datangnya belakangan, tapi ga ada guna gw menyesal hal yang sudah lalu, ok sekarang gw bertekad nyari pekerjaan yang bener2 bagus dan harus gw tau seluk beluknya ... 
2 hari kemudian ada telepon dari Slickbar (perusahaan yang mengatasi tumpahan minyak), dengan semangat gw menjawab telepon dan mengatakan "baik saya akan mengikuti proses rekrutmen di Slickbar"
FYI, slickbar adalah perusahaan swasta di daerah cikarang yang bergerak di bidang jasa penanganan tumpahan minyak di lepas pantai dan gw direkrut sebagai HR disana.
setelah gw diterima dan berbarengan dengan penerimaan gw, ada job fair di ITB dan gw masukin lamaran ke Pertamina....to be continued

Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Pahit Getir Nyari Kerja...Part 1

bahagia campur sedih rasanya kalo inget dulu pontang panting kesana kemari nyari kerjaan...huff
gw pengen cerita susah payahnya pengalaman gw dulu nyari kerja neeyy....
gw lulus februari 2007 dari Unair dan  lulus dengan IPK pas pasan, karena itu gw bertekad memperbaiki IPK dengan ngelanjutin sekolah lagi, pertengahan juni gw diterima di Unpad dengan sedikit jumawa gw mengklaim mahasiswa S-2 (halaah), waktu itu ada dua pilihan untuk masuk kelas karyawan (malam hari) dan kelas reguler (pagi hari) karena gw bertekad mau nyari kerja sambil kuliah jadi gw ngambil kelas malem, kerjaan gw di pagi hari browsing cari lamaran kerja, trus daftar bursa kerja di kampus-kampus (dulu ikutan PCAD-ITB, CDC-UNPAD, CDC-UI malahan sampe ikutan yang di ITS), kalo diitung mungkin gw udah ngelamar ke lebih dari 200 perusahaan. setelah beberapa minggu hasil mulai tampak, perusahaan pertama yang manggil gw adalah telkomsel (waktu itu tesnya di surabaya) seneng banget rasanya dipanggil tes, dengan baju rapih berdasi dan sepatu disemir mengkilat melangkah dengan PD, tapi waktu masuk ruangan tes kok ga ada satupun orang yang pake dasi (jd ngerasa saltum) ah bodo amat lah pikir gw, yang penting bisa ngerjain soal. karena ini pengalaman gw pertama kali tes kerja, gw sama sekali ga ada gambaran tes kerja itu kaya apa, waktu itu tesnya dari jam 8 pagi sampe jam 2 siang (WTF !!) .
soal pertama adalah psikotes dan gw ngerasa bisa-bisa aja ngerjain, sewaktu soal kedua (lupa gw) dan seterusnya jadi tambah ga ngerti apalagi yang terakhir (pauli test/test koran) waktu itu gw ngerjain pauli test cuman 1 setengah halaman ga nyampe dan gw pikir ini test kerja susah bangeeet...hahahaha akhirnya beres juga tesnya dan nunggu pengumumanya sekitar 2 mingguan....setelah 2 minggu datenglah surat ke rumah (waktu itu masi dikirimin surat pemberitahuannya) dan seperti yang gw duga...i'm fail ! 
tapi ga papa lah masih banyak lagi yang lain gw pikir....
setelah itu gw tambah gencar ngelamar sana-sini. gayung bersambut perusahaan kedua yang nge tes gw waktu itu Bank Mandiri (ODP) wesss, mantep nih pikir gw...kalo yang satu ini gw tes sampe tahap ketiga (Aptitude test), tapi lagi lagi gagal....dan semakin lama gagalnya semakin di tahap awal-awal (tahap psikotest), tapi gw ga putus asa dan gw pikir gw harus fokus ke kuliah S-2 gw dulu (menghibur diri) hehehe...
setelah setaun berlalu kalo diitung itung mungkin udah sekitar 40 an kali gw ikutan tes kerja dan semuanya Gatot (gagal total), gw udah mulai agak frustasi, masalahnya jangankan sampe tahap akhir tahap awal-awal aja gw udh gagal, semua usaha udh gw lakuin mulai beli buku psikotes, buku wawancara kerja, ikutan job fair dimana mana gw datengin sampe ada beberapa penjaga stand job fair yang hafal sama gw wkwkwk bahkan sampe ikutan tes di balikpapan (Trakindo)...hahahaha 
job fair ITB

Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

Magabut (Makan Gaji Buta)

Turun ke kantin nyari makan, beli juk jerus (jus jeruk ding..) , ngenet, baca blog, ga ada bos, luntang-lantung ga jelas, sampe ketiduran bahkan...what a life....
andaikan tiap hari....
magabut...oh magabut.....

Selasa, 19 Juni 2012


Guys, sadar ga sih kalo jaman sekarang sucks banget, trus musik musik juga jadi alay, lirik-liriknya jadi dangkal, grup band pada norak-norak trus siaran TV nya kalo ga Sinetron pasti reality show ga mutu dan yang paling parah dari semua itu adalah acara musik ga penting kaya Dahsyat ato Inbox, sori bukannya gw sirik ato iri, tapi gw ngerasa jaman udah mengalami kemunduran banget. jaman gw kecil dulu kalo hari minggu mulai pagi sampe siang adalah acaranya anak-anak, sekarang mulai jam 8.20 pagi setelah Doraemon masa diganti Dahsyat...suuuccckkksss!!!!!
hehehe maapkeuun kalo rada esmosi...benernya cuman pengen mengenang masa-masa Golden age which is 90's ....the best era ever, inget kan pasti sama Doraemon, Gogle V, Tamagochi, Kamen rider, Dragaon ball, Lion king (jaman dimana film disney ceritanya masi bermutu),trus Boys II Men, 911, Babyface, Rollerblade, dll....bener bener masa yang paling indah "anak-anak have their own fun" ...apa sih yang anak2 jaman sekarang idolain?? Blackberry? Inbox/Dahsyat?? mereka ga punya idola like i was....miris ngeliatnya anak2 jaman sekarang dewasa sebelum waktunya trus pada sibuk AUTIS maen BB sendirian jarang maen keluar bersoasialisasi...What the Hell !!!
Musik !!! salah satu hal penting dalam sejarah, kalo masa 90's lagu-lagunya sampe sekarang masi di dengerin (Everlasting cuuyyy) kalo band jaman sekarang My Chemical Romance cuman 4-5 taun aja udh ga ada kabarnya....anak 90's punya satu lagi yg bisa mereka kenang dan banggain....
I just miss the 90'S, the people, the music, the movie, just everything.....hidup 90's!!!!!!!!
anak ninetess itu:
*Baca komik Doraemon, Dragon Ball, Kungfu Boy atau StoryBook Ghoosebumps dikelas sampe disita guru
*setiap minggu bangun pagi buat nonton film " Tamiya " habis tamiya pindah ke indosiar " Pokemon "
Kalo udah siang maen tamiya beneran

*Rebutan main Mesin Dingdong. Klo yg tajir beli Nintendo, Sega, ato Gameboy buat main game Mario Bross sama Sonic.

*Ngabisin koinan di Telpon umum atw Wartel, PDKT sama kenalan.

*Pake jam G-shock (y)

*Main Monopoli, Ular Tangga atw Kartu Hologram, Kuartet yg kalah d coret pake bedak

*Maen TAMIYA sampe lupa waktu, akirnya Ortu dateng cariin ke trek tempat maen tamiya

*mandi di sungai,(y)

*Beli coklat Ayam Jago sama Wafer coklat merk SUPERMAN n Makan Jagoan Neon biar lidah nya berubah warna warni =D

*Setelah era sablon sama bordiran ALIEN atw Shuvit berlalu gantian pake baju ala POINT BREAK (Stussy,Mossimo, Billabong, Rip Curl,Volcom dll)

*Bangga make tas slempang bermerk KutaLines atw Dagadu (y)

*Nonton KOTARO MINAMI jd Ksatria Baja Hitam dan SaintSeiya Sama Power Ranger

*Beli sepatu skolah yg diblakangnya ad lampu nyala (LA GEARa)

*Ngumpulin TAZOS dari Chiki, Chitato yg banyak punya koleksi bangga <=-P

*Melihara binatang yg hrus d ksih mkan tiap hari n ga hrs beli kandang,Yuup..,TAMAGOTCHI =))

*Ngumpulin krtas file lucu2 n tuker2an sm tmn:$

*Gosip klo dlu ad Pulpen narkoba yg wangi bngett:/

*Make NECKERMAN anti SLIP or CARVIL dan diplesetin jadi “nyekerman”

*Ngerasa kurang gaul klo belum ngisi Diary punya temen "My Biodata" X_X

Naaah udaa Senyum² sendirikan?? :$

Jdi inget masa dulu yah,masa paling Indah dibanding sekarang era 2000 an,,

Kasian yaa adik2 qta skrang,msa kanak2nya trenggut n pada ALAY ,kecil2 ud pake BB, iphone, Android, pakai lipstik, sok gaul bawa mobil bokap, minum" biar dibilang macho dll..

Dewasa karbitan=))

Just share,biar kita inget serunyaa jaman dulu kita sperti apa d banding sekarang...


Basically the best decade ever. I could be here for awhile listing reasons but here we go. One: Economy. It doesn't even come close to the shit hole of an economy we have today.  Everyone was happy and having a good time. Second, overall media was better: tv, music, etc. Rap had true meaning and wasn't nearly as bad as the garbage today. The beats were original and they rapped about other things than getting money, fucking bitches, and getting ass-raped (that one was a joke but probably is happening.) Rock was awesome and it was actually a time where it was acceptable to like both rap and rock (because both were sick.) In fact, I have nothing to compare rock to because I don't even think they make it anymore. All the music today is auto-tune shit (because it actually doesn't take a good voice to become a singer anymore.) It gets worse and worse every year. TV sucks. What happened to those good 90's cartoons? There were replaced with shit like Hannah Montana and iCarly, in which case every episode is about boyfriend troubles. What happened to MTV? It's all fucking reality tv shows.. Life is so centered around technology that people have almost become dependent. That is what will happen in the future if this keeps up. People can't go 1 second without their facebook, twitter, blackberry, you name it.

Senin, 18 Juni 2012


Hello guys, kalo makan siang biasanya dimana? Paling juga di kantin kantor kan, yah sejauh-jauhnya kira radius 250 meter lah, Kenapa coba?

Tim Canteen Explorer di Grand Indonesia
Pertama, kalo punya mobil, pasti males ke tempat parkir. Kalo kantornya tempat parkirnya di basement, rempong cyn... Kalo parkirnya di lapangan parkir, panas cyn.. Jadi mending ke kantin, deket, gak repot dan gak panas.
Kedua, kalo dah nekat juga ngeluarin mobil, di jalanan suka macet! Remember, Jakarta is an unpredictable city! Kadang-kadang lancar, but sometimes the traffic is so heavy! Belum lagi cari parkiran susah, terus bayar uang parkir. Jauh lebih rempong cyn...
Ketiga, kalo naek angkutan umum atau taxi juga bukan pilihan bagus. Bayangkan naik bajaj buat nyari kantin, udah keringetan, rambut acak2an, terus kaki gemeteran. Apalagi kalo naek Kopaja atau Metromini. Hello, itu mau makan atau mau pulang ke kosan. Naek busway? Lama cuy nunggunya, keburu jam makan siang dah abis. Naek taxi? Kalo rame2 sih enak, kalo sendiri atau berdua, berat di ongkos!!
@ Kantin Kementerian BUMN
Terus gimana dong??
Nah WB  mo cerita nih salah satu hobby baru yang patut dicoba! What is that?? Canteen Explorer? Yeah, kami menyebutnya Sosialita Kantin, kumpulan orang2 cacat yang suka mengeksplor dari satu kantin ke kantin lain. Wkwkwkw.. Adapun anggota tetapnya adalah DoMcI alias DoMcOnG alias DoMey, Boe_Boe Cha_Chat sebagai Ketua Perkumpulan, Dana Pradana Buana Wirabuana alias di Manusia Cekatan (pasti tahu kan orang mana kalo namanya berulang2 kaya gini), dan terakhir Ivon Gunawan eh Ivon Sinambela si Nenek Garing (ex Nenek Rambut Palsu). Almost everyday, para explorer ini menjelajah kantin.
Pertama dimulai dari Pujasera Pejambon (ya iyalah, wong kantornya di Pertamina). Minggu berikutnya ke Kantin Kementerian Luar Negeri (yah, masih deketlah), masih di Pejambon juga. Minggu depannya makin gila aja, ke Kantin Kementerian Keuangan (kali ini hanya ada Dana & Domci). Aji gile, nyampe ke Jl Lapangan Banteng. 
@ menuju Kantin Kemenlu
Belum cukup sampai disana, kita juga menjelajah sampai ke Kementerian Perdagangan (meski hanya Ivon & Domci), masih deketlah di Jl Medan Merdeka Timur, bahkan lebih jauh lagi ke Kantin Kementerian BUMN. Ini sudah radius 1 km ke arah Jl Medan Merdeka Selatan. Tapi tak cukup sampai disitu, lanjut lagi ke Kantin Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan. Tidak berhenti di situ, lebih extrim lagi ke Kantin Sekretariat Negara, di Jl Veteran. Wow, what the hell??

@ Kantin Bank Indonesia
Tapi itu masih deket boi (panggilan anak Melayu di buku Andrea Hirata) masih seputaran Monas. Tim Explorer ini bahkan ke Kantin Bank Indonesia dan Menara Thamrin. Hehehehehe, gile gak tuh!
Ngapain sih? Denger2 sih dari Si Manusia Cekatan mau nyari jodoh, kalo Domci sendiri sih motivasinya adalah memecahkan rekor dunia pribadi (dikutip dari buku "Kembali Berdetak").

Mengingat masa OJT masih lama di Jakarta, sepertinya perjalanan ini tidak akan terhenti. Ntah kemana lagi para anak manusia ini akan berkeliling demi sebuah nuansa yang berbeda untuk makan siang di kantin.
@ Kantin Menara Thamrin

41 Place you must seen before you die, Part 2

No matter how advanced our cities and technology is, eventually we get tired of all the noise, stress and crowd of the city and want to be in the nature.
Humans have transformed Earth beyond recovery, but luckily not everything is lost yet. Beautiful mountains, blue water lakes, magnificent oceans with fabulous islands – our planet has many breathtaking places and awe-inspiring sceneries  just waiting for you to discover them.
However, life is short, and the funds are limited, so we have to narrow down the selection. Knowing that you are just another lazy panda, we’ve done it for you!
We’ve picked 41 most amazing places in the world, however it is said that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”,  so you may as well have your very own personal list of places to see before you die.

21. Bagan, Myanmar

Bamboos for: Martin Sojka
Bagan is notable for its expanse of sacred geography, the number and size of their individual ancient monuments. The ruins of Bagan cover an area of 16 square miles. The majority of its buildings were built in the 11th to 13th centuries, during the time Bagan was the capital of the Myanmar dynasty. Bagan is also the first place to have transformed into a religious and cultural centre, by Shin Arahan who brought Theravada Buddhism to this land. Bagan is full of ancient architectural designs, mural paintings, precious frescoes and stone inscriptions to see for yourself, and also it is the centre for the manufacturing of lacquerware products in Myanmar. Hence it is marked as a cultural heritage of the Myanmar People, and also a landmark full of ancient pagodas and monuments which can be rarely encountered today. Bagan is one of the major historical landmarks of Asia and represents the outstanding achievement of Theravada Buddhism. Most of the site were damaged by the 1975 earthquake and cooperation with UNESCO projects help some experimental conservation work, restoration of mural paintings and maintaining some of the rare monuments.[1]

22. Salar De Yuyni, Bolivia

Bamboos for: Tomas Rawski | szeke | jo vh | kk+
Salar de Uyuni (or Salar de Tunupa) is the world’s largest salt flat at 10,582 square kilometers (4,086 sq mi). It is located in the Potosí and Oruro departments in southwest Bolivia, near the crest of the Andes, and is elevated 3,656 meters (11,995 ft) above the mean sea level.[1] The Salar was formed as a result of transformations between several prehistoric lakes. It is covered by a few meters of salt crust, which has an extraordinary flatness with the average altitude variations within one meter over the entire area of the Salar.[2]

23. Ha Long Bay, Vietnam

Bamboos for: chii :3 | Andrew Hux | fra.ps
Halong Bay is one of the world’s natural wonders, and is the most beautiful tourist destination of Vietnam. Halong Bay features more than one thousand awesome limestone karsts and islands of various sizes and shapes along the 120-km coastline of Bai Chay Beach. Its waters are host to a great diversity of ecosystems including offshore coral reefs, freshwater swamp forests, mangrove forests, small freshwater lakes, and sandy beaches. The folk tale has it that the dragons descended from heaven to help locals by spitting jewels and jade to the sea, forming a natural fortress against invaders; these precious stones are represented by the lush green outcrops. Several islands boast beautiful grottos and caves with contiguous chambers, hidden ponds and peculiar stone formations.[3]

24. Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Bamboos for: Stuck in Customs | lecercle | Captain Kimo – “Back in Florida” , A_E_P
Angkor Wat is a temple complex at Angkor, Cambodia, built by King Suryavarman II in the early 12th century as his state temple and capital city. As the best-preserved temple at the site, it is the only one to have remained a significant religious centre since its foundation – first Hindu, dedicated to the god Vishnu, then Buddhist. The temple is at the top of the high classical style of Khmer architecture. It has become a symbol of Cambodia, appearing on its national flag, and it is the country’s prime attraction for visitors.[4]

25. Iguazu Falls, Argentina & Brazil

Bamboos for: Miriam Cardoso de Souza – ‘ VISÃO PHOTO & CINE CL | ewanr | SF Brit
Taller than Niagara Falls, twice as wide with 275 cascades spread in a horsehoe shape over nearly two miles of the Iguazu River, Iguazú Falls are the result of a volcanic eruption which left yet another large crack in the earth. During the rainy season of November – March, the rate of flow of water going over the falls may reach 450,000 cubic feet (12,750 cubic m) per second.[5]

26. Twelve Apostles, Australia

Bamboos for: emmettanderson
Witness the rugged splendour of the famous 12 Apostles, magnificent rock stacks that rise up majestically from the Southern Ocean on Victoria’s dramatic coastline. Created by constant erosion of the limestone cliffs of the mainland beginning 10-20 million years ago, the stormy Southern Ocean and blasting winds gradually eroded the softer limestone, forming caves in the cliffs.The caves eventually became arches and when they collapsed rock stacks up to 45 metres high were left isolated from the shore.[6]

27. Yosemite National Park, California, USA

Bamboos for: tychay | Christopher Chan | *~Dawn~*
Yosemite National Park, one of the first wilderness parks in the United States, is best known for its waterfalls, but within its nearly 1,200 square miles, you can find deep valleys, grand meadows, ancient giant sequoias, a vast wilderness area, and much more.[7]

28. Meteora, Greece

Bamboos for: bogdan. | homas Depenbusch und Marina Depenbusch-Zharova | - peperoni -
Meteora is an area in Thessaly (Central Greece) and Kalampaka is the city underthe rock towers of Meteora. The thing that makes Meteora so special isthe monasteries on the top of the rock towers. The monasteries,the amound of peaks to climb and the paths for hikingbrings in Meteora the whole year many tourists.[8]

29. Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina

Bamboos for: Piero… | Andres_age | rsepulveda | dirkoneill
The Perito Moreno Glacier is a glacier located in the Los Glaciares National Park in the south west of Santa Cruz province, Argentina. It is one of the most important tourist attractions in the Argentine Patagonia. The 250 km2 (97 sq mi) ice formation, and 30 km (19 mi) in length, is one of 48 glaciers fed by the Southern Patagonian Ice Field located in the Andes system shared with Chile. This icefield is the world’s third largest reserve of fresh water.[9]

30. Bryce Canyon, Utah, USA

Bamboos for: Moyan_Brenn | Paul Fundenburg
The sky never seems so blue as when viewed through the window of a Claron sandstone pinnacle in Bryce Canyon National Park. Although it is the smallest of Utah’s national parks at 35,835 acres, Bryce Canyon contains an outsized number of some of the most beautiful, unlikely rock formations on earth. This Dr. Seussian landscape of towering spires, fins, arches, and mazes is fodder for the imagination and a delight to the eyes.[10]

31. Seychelles

Bamboos for: dibaer | rachel_thecat | seychelles.travel
Mother Nature was very generous with these 115 islands scattered in the Indian Ocean and has spoiled them rotten. Undeniably, the beaches are the big attraction, and what beaches: exquisite ribbons of white sand lapped by topaz waters and backed by lush hills and big glacis boulders. With such a dreamlike setting, the Seychelles is, unsurprisingly, a choice place for a honeymoon.[11]

32. The Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

Bamboos for: modenadude | WanderingtheWorld (www.LostManProject.com)
The Pyramids of Giza are the most famous monuments of ancient Egypt. These massive stone structures were built around 4500 years ago on a rocky desert plateau close to the Nile. But the intriguing Egyptian pyramids were more than just tombs for kings. The mysteries surrounding their symbolism, design and purpose have inspired passionate debate. It is likely that many of these mysteries will never be solved…[12]

33. Azores

Bamboos for: Patxi64 | eduardowallenstein | F H Mira | joeri-c
The Azores are nine different islands of adventure, nine delightful surprises. You can see dolphins and whales frolicking in the sea or volcanic landscapes covered in green. Then there are the stunning, lilac-coloured hydrangeas that provide hedges for the meadows; the blue and green lakes; the craters of extinct volcanoes and the steam rising from the land. The volcanic activity here means that you can even have your meal cooked under the ground!Inland you can go mountain climbing and walking through the countryside. Or you can stick to the coast and go diving and swimming.[13]

34. Positano, Italy

Bamboos for: thapgood | AlaskaGM | Italy Travel Experience
Positano is one of the highlights to visit when you come to Italy. With all its chic hotels, apartments and fancy restaurants it’s managed to maintain its traditional character. The stunning coastline from Capo di Sorrento to Positano is an adventure on itself. Not many people know that Positano is originally not a fishermans village, but a mountain village. During the 14th and 15th century the little villages along the Amalfi Coast acted as an independent country. To protect themselves they built their houses and churches high on and inside the mountain rocks.Between the 16th century and the beginning of the 19th century the Italian people, forgot this beautiful village and in place, the intellectuals and artists rediscovered the magic of Positano. Now Positano is one of Italy’s most exclusive resorts, attracting celebrities, artists, musicians and writers for many decades.[14]

35. Tanah Lot, Bali

Bamboos for: fabiogis50 | mikaku | Christopher Chan
Tanah Lot, one of the most popular places of interest in Bali, is located on the coast of West Bali, at the village of Beraban in the Tabanan Regency. The temple Pura Tanah Lot, simple in its construction, is dramatic in its ocean-front location and is one of the main temples in the worship of Balinese gods. Tanah Lot has a long history in the world of tourism. The temple itself is built on a small promontory which is only accessible at low tide. During high water the rock takes on the appearance of a large boat at sea, such is its shape. Poisonous snakes live in the nearby caves to ‘guard’ the temple and contribute to the temple’s dangerous reputation.[15]

36. Palawan Island, Philippines

Bamboos for: mr.Alexander | Storm Crypt
Palawan has been included in the list of protected areas, thus becoming the biggest nature reserve in the world. Aside from snorkeling and swimming, Palawan Islands Philippines provides viable opportunities for underwater exploration. With all these attractions, you are sure to find yourself breathless with your Palawan vacation with all the nature’s beauty found in Palawan Island. Palawan is indeed a nature’s heaven place to visit.[16]

37. Angel Falls, Venezuela

Bamboos for: Inti
Angel Falls is a waterfall in Venezuela. It is the world’s highest waterfall, with a height of 979 m (3,212 ft) and a plunge of 807 m (2,648 ft). Angel Falls is one of Venezuela’s top tourist attractions, though a trip to the falls is a complicated affair. The falls are located in an isolated jungle, and a flight from Puerto Ordaz or Ciudad Bolívar is required to reach Canaima camp, the starting point for river trips to the base of the falls. River trips generally take place from June to December, when the rivers are deep enough for the wooden curiaras used by the Pemon guides. During the dry season (December to March) there is less water seen than in the other months (this can be clearly seen in the photos of the falls above).[17]

38. Tianzi Mountains, China

Bamboos for: Richard J… | john0philip | whertha | mke1963 | Salanderlacitadelle
Hundreds of waters and thousands of peaks are in the Tianzi Mountains. What an uncanny work of art by Nature. The highest peak of the mountains is 1262.5 meters above sea level. Around it is rolling ridges and peaks and high picturesque rocks. On the top of the mountains, one can have a bird ‘ s eye view of numberless inter winding hills and deep valleys of the Wulingyuan area as well as downpouring waterfalls and lofty old pines in drifting mists and clouds. There are different sights when seasons and weather change, Sometimes it is fine with blue sky, which gives one a sense of strength and vastness. Sometimes it is full or clouds and mists, which gives one a sense of mystery of if in fairyland.[18]

39. Uluru, Australia

Bamboos for: Franco Caruzzo | TheCreativePenn
Ayers Rock/ Uluru, the world’s largest monolith and an Aboriginal sacred site is Australia’s most famous natural landmark. Visitors may wish to make the tough 1.6km ascent to the top or take a walking tour around the rock with an aboriginal guide , learning about its fascinating history with the Uluru people and its importance in dreamtime legend.[19]

40. Hamilton Pool, Texas, USA

Bamboos for: Knowsphotos | DaveWilsonPhotography | mlhradio | Jim Nix / Nomadic Pursuits | Soul_Smiling
Hamilton Pool Preserve is a historic swimming hole which was designated a preserve by the Travis County Commissioner’s Court in 1990. Located 3/4 mile upstream from its confluence with the Pedernales River, Hamilton Creek spills out over limestone outcroppings to create a 50 foot waterfall as it plunges into the head of a steep box canyon. The waterfall never completely dries up, but in dry times it does slow to a trickle. However, the pool’s water level stays pretty constant, even during periods of drought.[20]

41. Hey, wait, there’s only 40 places here! Which place will you suggest to be the 41st?